I've been playing 'Dungeon Siege II' quite much lately, nice game! There's lots of things oldschool roleplayers will recognize familiar. For example discussions between own group npc's (Baldur's Gate etc..), you can take a pet as one character in your group (Nethack) ... by feeding stuff to it, it grows and becomes a stronger ally, teleports (Diablo2 style) .. no need to travel again that same route ... except most of the subquests are made in travel routes made for the major quest and you notice often to be *again* in that same area. Nice game anyways, it feels like a real rgp adventure ... You can even pause the action by hitting space and think again! I've been waiting that feeling since Baldur's gate 2. I liked Neverwinter Nights aswell, but something just wasn't right about it, I honestly don't know what. Next weekend I will play some AD&D with friends...